In forming 9,400+ Arizona limited liability companies, including 300+ LLCs owned by an IRA or a retirement plan IRA LLC attorney Richard Keyt has learned how to make the IRA LLC formation process very easy.  Here’s the 6 easy steps the IRA owner must accomplish to hire Richard to form an IRA LLC for $1,297 and get check book control over the IRA’s funds:

Step 1Research:  Spend some time on this website and learn about IRA LLCs.

Step 2Get Answers to Your IRA LLC Questions:  Contact me, IRA LLC attorney and tax lawyer Richard Keyt, at 480-664-7478 or [email protected] if you have any questions about forming or operating an IRA LLC.  I don’t charge to answer questions about IRA LLCs.

Step 3Move the Funds to a Custodian that Allows Directed-Investments:  If you cannot make self-directed investments where your funds are currently located, you must open an account with a custodian that will allow for the self-directed investments.  See “Custodians” that my clients have used for their IRA LLCs.  All of these custodians allow for self-directed investments, including investments through an IRA LLC.  When you open the account the custodian will give you the account’s name and its account number.  I need this information to form the LLC because it will be owned by the custodian for the benefit of the IRA.

Step 4.  Transfer Funds to New Custodian:  Arrange for a direct custodian (old) to the custodian (new) transfer of the funds you want in the new custodian’s IRA account.

Step 5Complete Our Formation Questionnaire:  Go to our IRA LLC formation questionnaire and give us the information we need to form the IRA LLC.  When you click on the submit button we will send you an email message with the questions and answers you submit in your Formation Questionnaire.

Step 6Cause the Custodian to Pay Our Fee by Sending Our Invoice to the Custodian:  The IRA owner must do the following two things to pay our fee:

A.  Prepare a KEYTLaw, LLC, invoice and send it to the custodian.  Go to our online do-it-yourself invoice. Enter your information then click on the submit button and we will email an invoice to you that you can give to your custodian.

B.  Get a copy of the custodian’s disbursement request form (see the custodian’s website).  Complete the disbursement request form and send it to the custodian along with the invoice you generated in the prior step.

FYI:  You can be working on steps 4, 5, and 6 as soon as you have an account with a custodian that will allow self-directed funds.

When Will We Form Your IRA LLC?

We will form your IRA LLC the day we receive your completed IRA LLC Formation Questionnaire and our fee.